

So reading Deblets blog yesterday gave me a cool, easier idea for Honeybear’s birthday. Instead of mini-cakes for the kidlets at day-care, we can do shaped cookies! I can do icing runouts so decorating the cookies should not be too difficult, and we can bake the cookies a few days before so everything is not a hurry the day before we need to take them.

The mini-cakes will be loads of work, and so far I have only managed to model one sugarpaste figure. So we will have the 3-D cat cake (really looking forward to this one).

 I need to work out a cute way to package the cookies. I think cookies are a better idea, because all the kids can actually eat it. I was thinking of adding in a plain cookie without icing so the kids that are too young can enjoy the cookie still.

 I’m excited. We don’t have party invites because it is just the grandparents, but I still want one anyway. I would like to stick it into his album so he can look back at it someday, I know I will. We are going kitty cats for the this birthday.

 I did I say I was excited?

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